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Project AI

Project AI was initiated in the year 2750, with the intent of creating smart AI and implanting them into humans for study. The idea was to have the AI and the humans cooperate, or form a team, while the scientists behind the project studied AI enhancements. These AI would later be put into use in the military. Originally, only twelve 'smart' AI were created for the project, which was stationed on Durness.


The main study of the Project was to experiment with AI and their relations with humans, while creating and investigating the effects of enhancements. These enhancements would, hopefully, be able to be used in the military to assist with combat, special ops, navigation, hacking, and more. Scientists involved also wished to report on the affects of implanting AI directly into the brains of their human 'hosts', melding the personalities and thoughts of both into the same mind. This technology, however, was incredibly raw, posing many risks to the human hosts, as human brains are not built to support technology inserts, nor the energy usage an AI introduces.


The Project encountered massive problems with this; how could they implant an AI into the mind, while connecting all the proper neurological pathways to allow for a sort of telekinesis, as well as protecting the hosts brain from damage? They also had to find a way to power the AI programs without the use of armor.


Marianne Favero, one of the lead scientists on the Project, assisted greatly in solving this issue. She began to use the work of Ophelia Burns in her study of the brain, using one of her dissertations to begin experimenting with the implantation process. Later on, Ophelia joined the Project personally, and the two collaborated in their study, cleaning up a process they deemed "Connection". The process perfected the manual connection of neuro-pathways in the brain to circuitry in the AI device.


The creation of the AI began in 2752. The decision of whose minds they would use for the flash cloning took a mere three months; the Project took scans and studied the brains of each person before deciding. The flash cloning process was brief. A one month long period in which they altered the AI programs and adjusted the systems took place before the AI went live. Testing ensued to ensure that each AI was capable of taking part in the Project; surprisingly, each AI functioned fine, although there were a few conflicts of interest between AI and scientist.


In 2753, the process to elect candidates for AI implantation began, Marianne Favero and Jacob Frayes leading the board. The process took approximately 5 years, their choices changed throughout the study of the newly created AI, as each candidate had to be matched to their new companion for seamless cooperation and implantation. Choices were finalized 2758, and the following year, candidates were called to Durness to begin testing and implantation.



The AI

AI Theory

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